Manage Your Google Chrome Bookmarks in the Chrome Side ...

BookmarkSidebarisabrowserextension,whichaddsatoggleablesidebarwithallyourbookmarksontheleftorrightsideofyourscreen.,Thisextensionsallowsyoutoaccessyourbookmarksbyclickingontheleftorrightsideyourscreen.Youcanedit,deleteorrearrangeyourbookmarksby ....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Bookmark Sidebar

Bookmark Sidebar is a browser extension, which adds a toggleable sidebar with all your bookmarks on the left or right side of your screen.

Bookmark Sidebar - Chrome Web Store

This extensions allows you to access your bookmarks by clicking on the left or right side your screen. You can edit, delete or rearrange your bookmarks by ...

How to Add a Bookmark Sidebar to Google Chrome

2022年3月24日 — Now click the Bookmarks Sidebar extension button to open the new side panel. Right-click a bookmarked page on it to open the context menu shown ...

How to take advantage of Chrome's side panel

2023年12月27日 — If you do decide you prefer using the new sidebar, you can get rid of the top-screen bookmark bar by either left-clicking on it and unchecking ...

How to use Google Chrome's Side Panel

2022年4月1日 — Using the Side Panel to manage bookmarks in Chrome ... As mentioned, you can find the Side Panel by tapping the icon located between your profile ...

Manage Chrome Side panel

Under Side panel, select the side you want the panel to open. ... You can pin a specific side panel in Chrome. You can pin: Search; Reading list; Bookmarks ...


This extensions allows you to access your bookmarks by clicking on the left or right side your screen. You can edit, delete or rearrange your bookmarks by ...


BookmarkSidebarisabrowserextension,whichaddsatoggleablesidebarwithallyourbookmarksontheleftorrightsideofyourscreen.,Thisextensionsallowsyoutoaccessyourbookmarksbyclickingontheleftorrightsideyourscreen.Youcanedit,deleteorrearrangeyourbookmarksby ...,2022年3月24日—NowclicktheBookmarksSidebarextensionbuttontoopenthenewsidepanel.Right-clickabookmarkedpageonittoopenthecontextmenushown ...,2023年12...